Friday, April 5, 2013

Hands-On Learning with Food...Resurrection Rolls

I've always considered myself a "visual, hands-on" learner.  I learn best by  SEEING and DOING!  Children love to learn this way, too.  The best part is that "Hands-On" activities are lots of fun!

This year for Easter, during Bible time, the girls and I made Resurrection Rolls.  Actually, they were biscuits, but "rolls" sounds better with the word "Resurrection".

Here are the supplies we used:

Grands Biscuits
2 Tablespoons melted butter or margarine (in a small bowl)
Large marshmallows
1 cup granulated sugar + 1 Tablespoon cinnamon, combined
Bible (or my notes)

1.  Read/summarize the story of Easter.  (From the Bible, I used the Book of John, Chapters 19 - 20).

2.  Give each child a marshmallow.  Say, "The marshmallow represents Jesus.  After Jesus died on the cross, His body was taken down and brought to a tomb (like a large cave)." ~John 19:38

3.  Show the melted butter and cinnamon/sugar mixture.  Say, "Back in the time of Jesus, a body was preserved using oil and spices.  The butter represents the oil, and the cinnamon/sugar mixture represents the spices."  (My youngest compared it to how Egyptians preserve a mummy's body.) ~John 19:40

4.  Have each child place the marshmallow in butter and then coat it with cinnamon/sugar mixture.

5.  Give each child a biscuit.  Say, "The biscuit represents the strips of linen that were wrapped around Jesus's body."  Have each child stretch the biscuit to make it flat, while keeping it's circular shape.
Flattening the "linen cloth".

6.  Then, help wrap the biscuit (linen cloth) around Jesus (the marshmallow).
   7.  Pinch the ends closed to seal in the marshmallow.  For a little added flavor, we covered the outside of the "cloth" in cinnamon/sugar, too.
8.  Say, "Jesus's friends placed his body in the tomb.  The oven represents the tomb.  Then, they rolled a large stone in front to seal the tomb.  The oven door represents the stone."  Place the biscuits in a pre-heated oven and bake.  (Use the temperature and time as directed on the biscuit can).  ~John 19:41-42
9.  Place a soldier to "guard" the tomb. ~Matthew 27:62-66

Soldier "Sissy" is guarding the tomb with big brother, Bub's, machete.
Bub says not to worry.  The machete is so dull it couldn't cut butter. :-)
10.  After the biscuits have baked, open the oven (tomb) and remove the biscuits.  The marshmallow (Jesus) will be melted away.  Say, "See how the marshmallow is no longer inside the biscuit.  Jesus is no longer here.  This represents how the Bible says that 'Jesus will rise from the dead'." ~John 20:9
11.  After the biscuits cool, while the children enjoy their special treat, have them summarize the Easter story using the leftover ingredients.

*Even though this is an Easter activity, it would be great to do anytime of the year.*

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