Friday, February 15, 2013

K.I.S.S. - Keep It Super Simple

I went with my hubby on a quick business trip this week and arrived home on the afternoon of February 13, the day before...Valentine's Day (insert screaming here).  You see, I hadn't done or bought anything for the girls.  Not one. single. thing! 

For this Valentine's Day, I'd definitely need to...

K.I.S.S. - Keep It Super Simple 

In the morning the girls woke up to find a surprise on their bedroom door... 

a heart- shaped wreath ($5 from a nearby pharmacy)

Next, the girls and I found Valentine's surprises left by Daddy...

For the girls- boxes of candy and light-up cups.  For me- a new coffee mug and a teddy bear .  
He filled all 3 cups with Tootsie Pops.

Then, it was time for breakfast.  I'd already been on Facebook that morning and had seen several pictures of heart-shaped pancakes, strawberries sliced in heart-shapes, served with red jam.
Not this momma.  Not this year.  Instead, we hit the drive-thru for...

Heart-shaped chicken biscuits from Chick-fil-a!

Next, we headed to our local Children's Museum for the monthly Homeschool Classes, where the girls spent two hours making yummy, sweet snacks.  Snacks that I didn't have to plan and shop for.  Snacks that could be made without messing up my kitchen- lol!

That afternoon, "Sissy" was in a creative mood and wanted to do something special for her daddy.  So, she cut out and decorated several hearts.  Then, she taped them onto the sliding glass doors...

in the shape of a heart!

Finally, it was time for dinner.  Hubby picked up dinner for us and "Bub", but I decided to make something for the girls.  We love the "make-your-own pizza" kits, so I threw those together but added a little twist and cut the pre-made crusts into heart shapes.  Voila!  Valentine's Day Dinner!

Even though our Valentine's Day was
drive-thru, store-bought, and pre-made...
the girls had a fun day filled with great memories.

From now on I need to remember to K.I.S.S. more often!


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